What kind of content to expect?

For articles, I have four different 'content types' planned. Each one covers a different aspect from a various perspective. Here is a run down of the first four types!

Probably the biggest content type, reviews are a staple of gaming because it gives readers a chance to know what to expect before they invest time and money into a game. Here we will briefly cover certain titles we are playing, old and new.

Father & Son Monday's
Inspired by a Youtube series but with a twist, my 12 year old and I face old and new games together! Might start a podcast but turn into a full video series, here we each take turns playing games together as I explain things to him or the other way around. Get ready for a generational gap in gaming!

Anime Corner
Take a break from gaming and enjoy some great anime. Anything goes in this section from reviews, recommendations, to even anime you should avoid! Join us as we take a look into popular and old anime and why you should or shouldn't watch it.

Midnight Ritual
At last, my favorite one! Join my good friend Storm and myself as we do our long term "Midnight Ritual", where we get together late at night to multiplayer game to the extreme. Mostly Smash Bros but even some other fighters like Dragon Ball. Expect fun and chaos!

That's all for now! What do you think of the line up? Which type are you most excited for? Feel free to share thoughts and look forward to taking a break with us and enjoy some of our past times.



Review - Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)

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