Meet the team!

Here I would like to post a little about the team that will be writing articles and making videos. Let me introduce you to...

Andaryu "Azure"
Real Name: Andrew
Age: 30
Born in: TN, USA

I've been gaming since I was 4 years old. I have two kids, each one that loves to game. Always been a Playstation and Nintendo fan. My favorite games are Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, Castlevania, and Super Smash bros! I also enjoy graphic design and recently video editing.

Real Name: Brandon
Born in: WA, USA
 Coming Soon!

Real Name: Gage
Born in: TN, USA

Favorite games are Titan Fall 2, Destiny and Fortnite. Me and my dad play games all the time. Ready to kill some monsters with dad. In my free time I like building things like Gundams. I like cats.

We will also have some guest writers in the future to give their own side of things, so look forward to something special. Would be great to even live stream with the team in the future. Thanks for everyone's support!



Review - Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)

Post Your Ultimate Roster!

What kind of content to expect?

Welcome to Phantoma Gaming!